to the Cinnamon Fawn Fanciers site. We are a group of like minded people, dedicated to breeding and promoting Cinnamon cats.
In the Oriental and Siamese world of cat breeding, Cinnamon and Fawn is thought
of as 'one of the new colours'. If you visit our 'history' page, you will find
out the 'cinnamon gene', has been around for quiet some while -
Cinnamon Fawn Fanciers web site has a list of cinnamon breeders, cinnamon and fawn kittens available, males at limited or open stud, and much more.
If you are a fellow breeder/exhibitioner of Cinnamon or Fawn cats (any breed), or a cinnamon/fawn pet owner, why not come along and join the Cinnamon and Fawn Fanciers mailing group.
Oversea breeders/exhibitioners/owners most welcome.
To subcribe to this friendly informative group, send an email to cinnamonfawnfanciers-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

To enter the Cinnamonfawnfanciers site, please
click on the above picture.

At the GCCF Council meeting October 2008, Cinnamon Point Siamese were promoted to Championship level.
Warmest Congratulations to Adateam Cinnphony Chester 24k, male neuter, who is
the first Cinnamon Point ever to win Best in Show Siamese, and then Overall Best
In Show Exhibit. Sire of Adateam Cinnphony Chester, is Merescliff Roland.
Congratulation to his owner/breeder Mrs Mary Mackenzie-Sproat and all
Cinnamon Fawn Colour Chart
Havana & Oriental Lilac
Cat Club - Havana and Oriental Lilac only
Oriental Cat
Association - all Oriental ShorthairShort Haired
Cat Society - Havana, Oriental Lilac, Oriental Black, Oriental Blue, Oriental Tortie,
Oriental Spotted Tabby, Oriental Classic Tabby
Site designed and maintained Carole Gwyther.